Binomial and Trinomial Random Variables

Binomial random variable (X): A variable that can have two separate values {x1, x2} with possibilities {p, 1 – p}

Trinomial random variable (X): A variable that can have three separate values {x1, x2, x3} with possibilities {p1, p2, 1 – p,1 – p2}

A binomial random variable x can have two separate values {x1, x2} with possibilities {p, 1 – p}. The probable value of a binomial random variable is:

E[X] = p * x1 + (1 – p) x2

A trinomial random variable x can have three separate values {x1, x2, x3} with possibilities {p1, p2, 1 – p1 – p2}. The probable value of a trinomial random variable is:

E[X] = p1 * x1 + p2 * x2 + (1 – p1 – p2) x3